About the author
Year of birth - 1932.
Place of birth - Moscow
Graduated from the Bauman Moscow High Technical School (MHTS) - 1956.
Candidate, technical sciences - 1962.
Doctor, technical sciences - 1970.
State Prize winner - 1971.
Professor - 1991.
Full Member of Tsiolkovsky Academy of Astronautics - 1994.
Member of the InterAgency Debris Committee (IADC).
AAAS International Scientific Cooperation Award - 2005.
Author of more than 100 publications, of which 6 are monographs (co-author).
The author of this site has worked in the considered area for about 50 years. On the basis of acquired experience, he managed to develop the technique for satellite motion forecasting, which is based on modifying the maximum-likelihood method, applying various satellite motion models and using orbital data as orbit parameter measurements on a previous time interval. This technique provides the best accuracy of satellite motion prediction that is achievable when using specific initial data.
In recent years, the author has carried out a series of investigations on the space debris (SD) problem, which drew attention of a wide scope of specialists. In particular, he developed the model for Space Debris Prediction and Analysis (SDPA), whose characteristics are not inferior to foreign analogues - NASA's and ESA's models.
The basic area of author's professional interests is the use of mathematical techniques for solving various application tasks.
The topic of author's candidate thesis, prepared during his work at the Electrostal Facility of Heavy Machine building plant (EFHM) , is "Developing the technique for calculating dynamic loads in a drive of stands for cold rolling of piping with accounting for clearances and links elasticity". The analog and digital ("Ural-1") computers were used in these investigations.
The transition to work in the Astrodynamics area took place in 1963 as a result of acquaintance with a great scientist and excellent man Nickolai Pantelejmonovich Buslenko, the founder of the Scientific School on the Monte Carlo method application.
Masters (Teachers):
A.A. Protopopova (school) | A.I. Tselikov (MHTS) | I.I. Kazakevich (EFHM) |
N.P. Buslenko | M.D. Kislik (MoD Institute) | P.E. Elyasberg |